Sep 3, 2008


Let me introduce you

... to an inspirational woman I am lucky enough to know. Her name is Cindy.

Why do I say "inspirational"? Because in her I see dedication, commitment, energy, vision - all things that are admirable and worth striving toward for myself. She is educated and self-taught, business savvy and creative. But mostly, I see willingness to give of herself; a helping hand stretched out to friends and strangers alike.

Go have a look at ONE of her many businesses - Celebration Sensations. What well-priced and wonderful items for events from birthday parties to picnics! Here are a couple of my favorite picks: Light up Rocks Glasses (HOW COOL IS THIS STUFF???) and anything from the Max and Lucy line - too cute and funny!

Need help on your website? Send her an email!

(Hey Cindy, I think you're the best!)


I Think....

Meeting kindred souls is sweetest when we least expect to find them - so it was when I initially saw Nora at our very first art show in Tampa.

Both of us standing around in the pre-dawn world of infinite possibility that day would bring, each happy to have the opportunity and to have someone there to check up with throughout the day, and then after the show, throughout the coming months.

Please, go look at her fabulous wearable art. You'll find her signature peacocks are so brilliant, the jewelry shines with that hot Miami flair that only NoraKaren can claim. She doesn't stop there; for fabulous canvased art, a personalized item, your favorite outfit gorgeously painted NoraKaren Design is the place to go!

Need something custom created? Nora is your go to gal! Check her out at her Etsy location.



Of course my very first inspirational woman is my mom, Emily. That is a post unto itself - nay, a BLOG unto itself!


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